Friday, January 31, 2014

JOKE Reel by Animation Supe Tom Gibbons

Here's a great joke reel put together by Tom Gibbons of Tippett Studio. It's a shining example of crazy changes, 11hr requests and off the wall ideas studios get from clients. Thank for putting this together Tom!

Friday, January 24, 2014

'Gravity' Interview with Alfonso Cuarón and Jonás Cuarón

Alfonso Cuarón, director of the groundbreaking Sandra Bullock film "Gravity", with his son and co-writer, Jonás Cuarón. And a look at the new exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art, "Magritte: Mystery of the Ordinary" via Charlie Rose

More GRAVITY  interviews here:

// Behind The Scenes Of GRAVITY

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Things Animation Girls Say

The Short Film 'Cicada Princess'

Synopsis: 'For sixteen years cicadas live underground. They emerge for one glorious night to live out their lives in hope of finding happiness and maybe... love. They gather for the grand cicada party at the castle, knowing that when the sun rises, their lives will come to an end.'

Cicada Princess

Making Of Cicada Princess

More great behind the scenes photos and info on the Cicada Princess Facebook page.

Behind The Scenes Of Cicada Princess 

Scoring Cicada Princess

Simulated Bipeds That Learn

'Bipedal creatures optimize their muscles and learn how to walk, using an evolutionary strategy. No motion capture or key frame animation was used in this video.' via John Goatstream