Monday, February 21, 2011

The Full Spectrum: Josef Albers

Studied Albers work a lot in school. Such an amazing innovator and pioneer. Love his work! Reminds me a lot of Mark Rothko (Albers was his mentor).

Mark Sagar On Facial Animation

Just giving you a heads up on a new FXpodcast featuring Mark Sagar (Avatar, King Kong). Lots of great info on facial capture and animation. Check it out here:

Mark Sagar Interview / via fxguide

Thursday, February 17, 2011

'Shape Shifter' by Alex Weil

Really cool visuals in this short! All kinds of eye candy! Check out the interview with Director Alex Weil over on the Motionographer website below:

Shape Shifter Film and Interview via motionographer

Charlex studio website

'Behind The Scenes' of BRISK stop-motion Super Bowl Commercial

These BRISK spots turned out great! A couple of my friends worked on them up in SF. Be sure to check out animator Webster Colcord's site for more details on the 'making of'. FONCO's (Fon Davis) channel also has some fun behind the scenes clips.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Simple And Effective Storytelling

So I had the opportunity to go to a story lecture given by Doug Sweetland yesterday! He talked about the making of 'Presto', the process of story, and a bit about his new project in development called 'The Familiars'. Below is a short film he used as an example of simple but effective storytelling. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Imperfection In Animation

 So we all know about putting 'dirt in the curves' to help breakup smooth 'computery' motion. Well animator Cameron Fielding posted a fantastic study on this topic over on his Flip blog. It's worth a read! Check it out here:

Perfect Imperfection via Flip blog

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Travel In Time

This short has some really fun moments! Those little guys remind me of the Minions from 'Despicable Me'.

more clips of these guys here:  AKAMA via vimeo

Monday, February 07, 2011