Just giving you a heads up on a new FXpodcast featuring Mark Sagar (Avatar, King Kong). Lots of great info on facial capture and animation. Check it out here:
These BRISK spots turned out great! A couple of my friends worked on them up in SF. Be sure to check out animator Webster Colcord's site for more details on the 'making of'. FONCO's (Fon Davis) channel also has some fun behind the scenes clips.
So I had the opportunity to go to a story lecture given by Doug Sweetland yesterday! He talked about the making of 'Presto', the process of story, and a bit about his new project in development called 'The Familiars'. Below is a short film he used as an example of simple but effective storytelling.
So we all know about putting 'dirt in the curves' to help breakup smooth 'computery' motion. Well animator Cameron Fielding posted a fantastic study on this topic over on his Flip blog. It's worth a read! Check it out here: