Thursday, September 13, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Aaron Blaise and Chuck Williams on the development of 'The Legend of Tembo'

Directors Aaron Blaise and Chuck Williams talk about the early development of 'The Legend of Tembo' at Digial Domain's Tradition Studios.  It's such a shame that the studio closed last week. Ugh, so depressing. I heard nothing but great things about this project. I mean just listen to Aaron and Chuck's story pitch! Hopefully we'll see 'Tembo' again down the road.  And to all my friends and the rest of the DDFL crew I wish you all the very best. 

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Ray Harryhausen 90th Birthday BAFTA Tribute

I know this video has been around for a while but I just saw it the other day. It's a great reflection/celebration of the life, work and creative influence of  Ray Harryhausen. The Ray Bradbury interview is especially awesome!