Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big Animation Benefit Auction : Jan 21 - 30th

There's a big animation art auction tomorrow to help raise money for Disney animator Tim Hodge's son Matthew who is in a coma. If you're interested in helping out or want to take a look at all the art being auctioned check the link below. All the proceeds go toward Matthew's medical needs.

Help The Hodges

[UPDATE] : here's the eBay link

Hodges eBay Auction

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Passenger by Chris Jones

For those of you haven't seen this short you're missing out. It's an 8 year labor of love of Chris Jones. You can find his production blog here: The Passenger Production Blog

Steven Spielberg Admires Animators

Thought this little clip was interesting. I like what Spielberg said toward the end,"I think all directors should be animators first."

The AFI Channel on You Tube has some really great archived footage. Check it out if you get a chance.

American Film Institute on You Tube