Thursday, July 28, 2011

SIGGRAPH 2011 Heads Up

Wish I could make it to a few of these this year but I'm still working on the other side of the planet.

////Animation Lectures

Animation Production Lecture List

Marvel: The Visual Effects of "Thor" and "Captain America"

*Pixar: "La Luna"

*DreamWorks Animation: Creating the Final Battle in “Kung Fu Panda 2”

*Industrial Light & Magic: Bringing “Rango” to Life

Imageworks: The Smurf-alution: A Half-Century of Character Development

Industrial Light & Magic: New Solutions for New Challenges

Guerrilla: The Creation of Killzone 3 - Game Production Session





Storytelling With Color

Color is mysterious, emotional, enigmatic. Opinions are strong about what they mean, or do not mean. Theses have been written about the emotional significance of color in film, psychology, and clothing. This course discusses storytelling choices in fine art, illustration, and films (animated and live action), and how color selection supports the story. Topics include color rules, when and how to break them, and the differences between the analog and digital palettes. The course includes plenty of visuals and is appropriate for everyone interested in color.

Instructor(s) Kathy Altieri/DreamWorks, Dave Walvoord/DreamWorks

Cinematography: The Visuals & the Story

The virtual or actual camera, its placement in a scene, the choice of lens, the camera's movement, the lighting, color, and exposure all contribute to visual communication between the storytelling cinematographer and the audience. How each of these visual variables is controlled and used to help tell a story gives dramatic structure to a sequence and ultimately communicates moods and emotions to the viewer is critical to making any story come alive. A story has structure. The visuals must have structure, too.

Instructor(s) Bruce Block/University of Southern California

Character Rigging, Deformations, and Simulations in Film and Game Production

This course focuses on rigging, deformations, dynamics, and production practices in animation, visual effects and game development. Topics include analysis of performance requirements, motion system set-up, procedural rigging for secondary animation, and efficient extension of techniques over a wide range of primary and secondary characters.

Instructor(s)  Tim McLaughlin/Texas A&M Univ, Larry Cutler/DreamWorks,
David Coleman/Electronic Arts Inc.

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